Fernanda Gallo

I am a nineteenth-century transnational intellectual historian and my research places Italian political thought within continental Europe and the Mediterranean world(s), with a particular focus on Hegel’s reception in Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece.
After graduating at the University of Naples Federico II, I have attained my PhD at the University of Lugano (Switzerland) in 2015. Before becoming University Lecturer in 19th Century Mediterranean History at the University of Cambridge, I have worked as post doctoral researcher at the Centre for the Study of the History of Political Thought at Queen Mary University of London and at the Faculty of History at the University of Cambridge, developing a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation on The shaping of European identities: Modernity and the Reformation in the Risorgimento political thought. I have also worked as Teaching Fellow at PoLIS at the University of Bath, where I became Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
I am collaborating with the SINERGIA research project Milan and Ticino (1796-1848). Shaping spatiality of a European Capital and with the Research Network for the History of the Idea of Europe. I am also member of the board of the Institute for the Study of Ideas of Europe and founding member of the Society for Political Studies. I was appointed by the Italian Minister of Cultural Activities as a member of the National Committee for the celebration of the Bicentenary of the birth of Bertrando Spaventa (1817-2017).